The Best Amino Acid Supplements to Help You Shred, Recover and Fuel Your Gains

Alongside regular exercise and a healthy diet, supplementing can assist in reaching your fitness goals. But so many vitamins are available that one needs clarification about choosing the right ones. Having started with a single emphasis on increasing their protein or amino acid consumption, many fitness coaches witnessed how their clients grew leaner, felt better, and improved their health and fitness. 

Because of that, many swear on the power of protein and amino acids and, of all vitamins, prefer amino acid supplements. Is there a scientific background behind these claims? And which amino acid supplement is the best for individual fitness goals?

What Are Amino Acids?


Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are essential for many biological processes. The human body could not perform its functions as it does now without protein. Protein is the fuel for every metabolic reaction to keep life alive.

The human body can use amino acids for a variety of functions and also – recycle them. The body is highly effective at converting outdated proteins to amino acids, so it can use those building blocks to create new proteins.

Your body uses 9 of the 20 amino acids in protein as “essential” amino acids. These include Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine (the three BCAAs), Histidine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, and Tryptophan. We call them essential because the human body can’t create them on its own. Since you must take these through food and supplements, a well-balanced diet and carefully picked EAA supplements are crucial for our overall health.

The remaining 11 amino acids, known as non-essential, are produced by your body. Alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine are the amino acids that are considered non-essential.

What Does an Amino Acid Supplement Do?

Getting enough protein in your diet should always be your first choice. If your protein consumption is inconsistent, supplements such as quality aminos powder might help bridge the dietary gap. When taken at the right time, amino supplements can have a stimulating impact even if you consume enough protein.

Adults throughout their middle and later years, whether or not they exercise, weekend warriors and athletes, anyone who needs to support normal levels of inflammation, tissue regeneration, and immunological function after sickness or accident or anyone who occasionally lacks the time to eat a high-protein lunch are those who may benefit the most from supplementing with amino acids.

Best Amino Acid Supplements for Building Muscle

Leucine, one of the three essential amino acids and one of the BCAAs, is one of the keys that open the door to muscle building. And while using just BCAAs will help you gain muscle, other approaches work far better. According to one study, for instance, consuming BCAAs only— excluding the other essential amino acids—allows for a 22% higher response in muscle growth following resistance training than doing nothing.

Although they aid muscle growth, amino acids can also fuel muscular tissue. Therefore, they can enhance an athlete’s or even an older adult’s physical or exercise performance.

Supplementing with essential amino acids has been proven to improve the distance older persons can walk before feeling tired and the time younger athletes can train before tiring. Reduced delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after exercise is a potential benefit of branch-chain amino acids.

The heart can utilise amino acids as an energy source in addition to skeletal muscle. We know that supplementing with branched-chain aminos powder promotes mitochondrial biogenesis or the production of new mitochondria. The engines of the cell are the mitochondria. Muscle cells, particularly type I slow-twitch muscle fibres, contain most mitochondria. People also experience a mitochondria decrease as they get older or lose muscle. BCAAs could lessen the loss.

Best Amino Acid Supplements for Weight Loss

You tell your body to lose weight by cutting calories, carbohydrates, and total food intake because you will consume fewer calories overall. Your body is incredibly smart. It’s aware that fat burns fewer calories than muscle. That means your body will lose muscle mass just as quickly as it loses fat if you don’t give it a reason to maintain that mass.

When someone has followed a low-calorie, low-protein diet without engaging in any strength training, they turn into “skinny fat.” They don’t appear thinner; their body fat percentage is relatively high. You must combine strength training with a higher protein intake and essential amino acids to maintain muscle and lose body fat. The best amino acid that plays a role in fat metabolism is carnitine. As an antioxidant, carnitine aids in lowering the amount of free radicals that the body produces. Additionally, it promotes energy generation and aids in the recuperation process after exercise.

Best Amino Acid Supplements for Muscle Recovery


Your body requires the proper nutrients and amino acids to repair the damaged tissues following an accident. When you reduce your activity and exercise, it’s still crucial that you keep muscle throughout the rest of your body.

A higher intake of amino acids with exercise targeting any remaining muscle areas can trigger the proper hormones and supply the right nutrients to expedite the healing process. Supplementing with branched-chain amino acids has also been demonstrated to maintain normal levels of inflammation, which is critical for optimum health and healing.

One amino acid the body needs for several vital processes is glutamine, the most prevalent amino acid in human muscle. It promotes healthy body stress recovery and muscle growth. Supplementing with glutamine promotes gastrointestinal and digestive health.

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